Tuesday, June 25, 2019

"Sides of a Horn" - Painful and Thought Provoking

"Sides of a Horn" is difficult to watch.  In just 18 minutes the film indicts so many powerful people in this world without moving its focus from the conflict within one impoverished family.  At the front line, wildlife poachers are often extremely poor people with few options. It's when the rhino horn, elephant tusk or pangolin scales move up the chain that organized crime reaps the massive financial gains.  This short film illustrates how income inequity and poverty create horrific choices for people who have virtually nothing.  [Side note:  Unemployment for black South Africans exceeds 30%.  For whites the rate is less than 7%.]

Here is the site for the film that includes more details and how you can help.

HT:  TreeHugger.

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