Sunday, April 8, 2018

Climate of Deceit

Certainly the oil companies understood the impact of burning fossil fuels.  They knew decades ago of the potential that a climate disaster was the likely result of their busiess model.  So, of course, they changed their business model.  Not really, they did everthing they could to hide the evidence and to deny that it even existed.

“If the weather machine were to be wound up to such new levels of energy, no country would remain unaffected...” 

We're Back

Back at the old spot.  Decided to bail out of Facebook and restart the show here. 

This  link takes you to a view of the place we have to save.  Save it and we save our souls.

Will Resume Shortly

 Taking a break from blogging.  Worn out by Trump and his fascist followers, Covid-19 pandemic fatigue, etc.....